A DevOps Stack module to deploy and configure Keycloak as an OIDC provider. It is meant to be used mainly for testing purposes when deploying a local cluster using KinD.
This repository contains 2 charts:
: contains the CRDs and the other Kubernetes resources in order to install the operator as recommended for a vanilla Kubernetes installation in Keycloak’s documentation; -
: installs Keycloak and associated resources (such as an ingress) as well as PostgreSQL deployment (optional if you provide the credentials for an external database).
The Keycloak version installed is the 20.0.3. Here you will find the official guides of Keycloak, namely the ones used for this module in the Operator section.
Besides this module, we developed a submodule to bootstrap a realm, groups and users so you can be up an running as fast as possible.
This module can be declared by adding the following block on your Terraform configuration (below is an example when using KinD, but nothing stops you of using this module with the other cluster modules of the DevOps Stack):
module "keycloak" {
source = "git::<RELEASE>"
cluster_name = local.cluster_name
base_domain = format("", replace(module.ingress.external_ip, ".", "-"))
cluster_issuer = local.cluster_issuer
argocd_namespace = module.argocd_bootstrap.argocd_namespace
dependency_ids = {
traefik =
cert-manager =
Database Configuration
We do not recommend using the PostgreSQL deployment in a production environment. It should be used only for development purposes and the persistence of the database is not guaranteed. |
In a production environment, it is recommended to use an external SQL database and to give this module only the connection details. In that case, the default PostgreSQL sidecar will not be deployed.
You can provide the credentials for connecting Keycloak to an external SQL database as follows:
module "keycloak" {
source = "git::<RELEASE>"
cluster_name = local.cluster_name
base_domain = format("", replace(module.ingress.external_ip, ".", "-"))
cluster_issuer = local.cluster_issuer
argocd_namespace = module.argocd_bootstrap.argocd_namespace
database = {
vendor = "mariadb | mssql | mysql | oracle | postgres"
host = "<HOSTNAME>"
username = "<USERNAME>"
password = "<PASSWORD>"
dependency_ids = {
traefik =
cert-manager =
The official documentation provides more information about the supported database vendors.
Technical Reference
The following requirements are needed by this module:
argocd (>= 4)
kubernetes (>= 2)
null (>= 3)
random (>= 3)
utils (>= 1)
The following providers are used by this module:
argocd (>= 4)
kubernetes (>= 2)
null (>= 3)
random (>= 3)
utils (>= 1)
The following resources are used by this module:
argocd_application.operator (resource)
argocd_application.this (resource)
argocd_project.this (resource)
null_resource.dependencies (resource)
null_resource.this (resource)
null_resource.wait_for_keycloak (resource)
random_password.db_password (resource)
kubernetes_secret.admin_credentials (data source)
utils_deep_merge_yaml.values (data source)
Required Inputs
The following input variables are required:
Description: Namespace used by Argo CD where the Application and AppProject resources should be created.
Type: string
Description: Base domain of the cluster. Value used for the ingress' URL of the application.
Type: string
Description: Name given to the cluster. Value used for the ingress' URL of the application.
Type: string
Optional Inputs
The following input variables are optional (have default values):
Description: Automated sync options for the Argo CD Application resource.
allow_empty = optional(bool)
prune = optional(bool)
self_heal = optional(bool)
"allow_empty": false,
"prune": true,
"self_heal": true
Description: SSL certificate issuer to use. Usually you would configure this value as letsencrypt-staging
or letsencrypt-prod
on your root *.tf
Type: string
Default: "ca-issuer"
Description: Keycloak external database server configuration.
vendor = string
host = string
username = string
password = string
Default: null
Description: IDs of the other modules on which this module depends on.
Type: map(string)
Default: {}
Description: Helm chart value overrides. They should be passed as a list of HCL structures.
Type: any
Default: []
Description: Namespace where the applications’s Kubernetes resources should be created. Namespace will be created in case it doesn’t exist.
Type: string
Default: "keycloak"
Description: Override of target revision of the application chart.
Type: string
Default: "v1.0.1"
The following outputs are exported:
Description: Credentials for the administrator user of the master realm created on deployment.
Description: ID to pass other modules in order to refer to this module as a dependency.
Reference in table format
Show tables
= Requirements
Name | Version |
>= 4 |
>= 2 |
>= 3 |
>= 3 |
>= 1 |
= Providers
Name | Version |
>= 4 |
>= 2 |
>= 3 |
>= 3 |
>= 1 |
= Resources
Name | Type |
resource |
resource |
resource |
resource |
resource |
resource |
resource |
data source |
data source |
= Inputs
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
Automated sync options for the Argo CD Application resource. |
no |
Namespace used by Argo CD where the Application and AppProject resources should be created. |
n/a |
yes |
Base domain of the cluster. Value used for the ingress' URL of the application. |
n/a |
yes |
SSL certificate issuer to use. Usually you would configure this value as |
no |
Name given to the cluster. Value used for the ingress' URL of the application. |
n/a |
yes |
Keycloak external database server configuration. |
no |
IDs of the other modules on which this module depends on. |
no |
Helm chart value overrides. They should be passed as a list of HCL structures. |
no |
Namespace where the applications’s Kubernetes resources should be created. Namespace will be created in case it doesn’t exist. |
no |
Override of target revision of the application chart. |
no |
= Outputs
Name | Description |
Credentials for the administrator user of the master realm created on deployment. |
ID to pass other modules in order to refer to this module as a dependency. |